_sct_time_base Struct Reference

#include <sct_common.h>

Data Fields

 Status flag of this element.
 Accuracy level of this element.
 Time scale of this element.
int64_t days
 Number of days since 1 January 2000.
int32_t secs
 Number of seconds in the given day.
int64_t fsecs
 Number of femtosecs in the given second.

Detailed Description

This structure handles the minimum data object in the scitime library.

Definition at line 110 of file sct_common.h.

Field Documentation

SCT_STATUS _sct_time_base::status

Status flag of this element.

Definition at line 111 of file sct_common.h.

Referenced by sct_add_delta(), sct_add_deltaDSF(), sct_clear(), sct_copy(), sct_diff(), sct_get_delta_secs(), sct_get_mjd2000(), sct_print(), sct_set_delta_secs(), and sct_set_mjd2000_acc().

SCT_ACCURACY _sct_time_base::accuracy

Accuracy level of this element.

Definition at line 112 of file sct_common.h.

Referenced by sct_add_delta(), sct_add_deltaDSF(), sct_clear(), sct_diff(), sct_get_accuracy(), sct_print(), sct_set_accuracy(), sct_set_delta_secs(), sct_set_mjd2000_acc(), and sct_set_YMDHMSF().

SCT_TIMESCALE _sct_time_base::timescale

Time scale of this element.

Definition at line 113 of file sct_common.h.

Referenced by sct_from_GPS_to_TAI(), sct_from_GPS_to_UT(), sct_from_GPS_to_UTC(), sct_from_TAI_to_GPS(), sct_from_TAI_to_UT(), sct_from_TAI_to_UTC(), sct_from_UT_to_GPS(), sct_from_UT_to_TAI(), sct_from_UT_to_UTC(), sct_from_UTC_to_GPS(), sct_from_UTC_to_TAI(), sct_from_UTC_to_UT(), sct_get_timescale(), and sct_set_timescale().

int64_t _sct_time_base::days

Number of days since 1 January 2000.

Definition at line 114 of file sct_common.h.

Referenced by sct_add_delta(), sct_add_deltaDSF(), sct_clear(), sct_diff(), sct_get_delta_secs(), sct_get_mjd2000(), sct_get_YMDHMSF(), sct_print(), sct_set_delta_secs(), and sct_set_mjd2000_acc().

int32_t _sct_time_base::secs

Number of seconds in the given day.

Definition at line 115 of file sct_common.h.

Referenced by sct_add_delta(), sct_add_deltaDSF(), sct_clear(), sct_diff(), sct_get_delta_secs(), sct_get_mjd2000(), sct_get_YMDHMSF(), sct_print(), sct_set_delta_secs(), sct_set_mjd2000_acc(), and sct_set_YMDHMSF().

int64_t _sct_time_base::fsecs

Number of femtosecs in the given second.

Definition at line 116 of file sct_common.h.

Referenced by sct_add_delta(), sct_add_deltaDSF(), sct_clear(), sct_diff(), sct_get_delta_secs(), sct_get_mjd2000(), sct_get_YMDHMSF(), sct_print(), sct_set_delta_secs(), sct_set_mjd2000_acc(), and sct_set_YMDHMSF().

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
Generated on Sun May 20 15:33:01 2007 for scitime by  doxygen 1.5.1